Invoices Page Overhaul

Regular users of the invoices page in Lettuceshare would know that as their members list has grown longer, this page has become harder to use. Instead of just trying to fix some smaller problems, it was decided an overhaul was necessary.

When the invoices page first loads, it now lists purchases for the current week (depending on your group settings). This keeps the grid more manageable, and is probably the information that you were after anyway!

The responsibility of listing all members is now left to the accounts page. It is also able to display balances, and that is now the only place to find this information. The invoices page also had a button to download member history, this functionality has been moved to the accounts page too.

Changing the way the invoices page works means there's now lots of new features to play with! Here's a screenshot of the new page:

The form at the top of the page means you can now search by username, date or invoice number. Full names will also auto complete and can be used to find a username.

When you first load the invoices page, you might notice that some rows in the grid have an invoice number of 0. This means an invoice has not yet been created for these purchases. Clicking on that row and then clicking send will create the invoice and return an invoice number which will be added to the grid. You can also send multiple invoices at once by selecting multiple rows in the grid.

You can also edit the email address of a member in the form, if you would like to send their invoice to another email address. (This is only done once, it doesn't change the default email address for the member.) Clicking on Search between start and end dates will reveal more search options, including a quick search menu to fill in search dates for the last month, 6 or 12 months, or the previous or current financial years.

One last feature to mention, the remove button will not only remove an invoice from the system, but also the associated purchase data. This saves having to visit the manager page to perform the same search. I hope this page is now easier to use, but please let me know if you have any feedback.
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